The fastest way to find jobs in tech and get hired.

Create resumes, get matched, and apply to jobs using AI. Wrangle helps you submit applications and get hired, faster.

Wrangle W Sign

Offerings from tech giants, fresh startups, and more.

Intelligent solutions. Always free

Our platform is fully free, with no ads or subscriptions. We're here to make your job search easy.

Extensive Information

Get data on how well jobs match, requirements, or ask our AI. Our job is to keep you informed, and to find your best match.

Resume Creation

Create a custom optimized resume for submission, with many templates to select from.

Job Tracker

Easy and automated job tracker to stay up to date with your job search.


Personalized AI copilot to answer questions you have about your career or job search.

AI Applications

Answers are filled out using our AI, synced with your profile, available for you to customize.

The easiest way to find jobs, from start to finish

Once your profile is created, everything is personalized to you. Get job matches in your inbox, custom AI, and more.

Create a profile in minutes, just answer a couple questions and upload a resume.

Our onboarding process contains the bare minimum for what's required on most job applications. We keep your data secure, and don't sell it.

Find jobs personalized to your profile, or search for something new.

Our matching algorithm improves as you like or dislike jobs, making sure to only recommend the most relevant. We'll also send the best matches to your inbox.

Track your progress as you search and apply to more jobs.

Maintain control of your job search with an easy to use job tracker, and resources to help at each step of the way. If you have any questions, feel free to ask our copilot.

Find jobs with confidence

Expired jobs are deleted, and we refresh our database multiple times per day. Get fresh recommendations.

Multiple Sources

We get our jobs from multiple services, meaning if one goes down, the jobs will continue to flow in, and your matches will continue.

Detailed Attributes

Each job has detailed information, ranging from skills required, to timezone restrictions and more. Our jobs keep you informed.

Learning Algorithm

When you like or dislike a job, or system stores the attributes and values, meaning as you rate jobs, your algorithms and matches get better.

Our FAQs

Find quick answers to commonly asked questions about Wrangle. Have a question not listed?

Is Wrangle free?

Wrangle is free, and has no limitations on usage. Our focus is on building the best platform possible, so no worries about data security or ads,

What jobs does Wrangle offer?

Our offerings are currently focused on tech or remote jobs, but we plan to expand this soon! Check back for updates weekly.

How do I know if I got a job?

Recruiters should reach out to you if they want to proceed with your application. Additionally, you'll get a confirmation email.

Get in touch.

Whether you have a question, business inquiry, or feature request, just type your email down below, and we'll reach out shortly.

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