Wrangle Changelog – March 29th, 2024



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March 29, 2024

Hey everyone! Here with the March 29 changelog. This week, we stomped some bugs and added a couple new features, excited to share these!

Feedback Widget

We've replaced our deprecated referral widget with a feedback widget in the menu. Here, you can share feature requests, bugs encountered, or anything on your mind, and we'll aim to implement it in the next weeks updates.

Application Updates

We've updated our application process and autofill to be even better, with a higher rate of questions filled out, leaving most of the work to be done as a final quick review, and saving you even more time!

Next Week

We're mainly focusing on our API this week, with some demo/pilots with other companies, but should push a couple of new updates. The jobs are continually going to be refreshed, and we hope to push some updates to resumes, mainly integrating them with our application process, and copilot.

As always, if there's any questions or requests, feel free to reach out via our get in touch field below, or support@wranglejobs.com. Thank you!




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© 2024 Wrangle Inc. All rights reserved.

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© 2024 Wrangle Inc. All rights reserved.

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© 2024 Wrangle Inc. All rights reserved.